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Handyman Replaces Gas Lamp Mantels


handyman gas lamp resized 600It isn’t a common handyman job, but gas lamps occasionally need servicing. Just like in a camping lantern, the mantles will eventually get jostled around to the point that they get damaged and need replacing. Vibrations and bumps can cause the mantels to break as they are very fragile.

On permanent gas lamps, there will be a gas line run underground that supplies the fixture. Somewhere on the post will be the valve that stops the flow of gas to the fixture (typically inside the post behind a door that removes). You will need to turn off the gas valve to stop the flow of gas to the head.

Let the fixture cool down and then remove the glass pieces (now is a good time to clean them). You can remove the mantels by slightly turning the ring and pulling it down (fixtures can have either one or two mantles). Install the new mantles in the reverse order of removing them.

You can replace all the pieces of glass except one which you will leave open for access to the mantles. With the gas still off, light the mantles and let them burn until they turn to ash. They will be very fragile at this point. Wait a few minutes and then turn the gas on. Hold a match to the mantles and they will ignite and glow. They will also fill to their normal shape. Replace the last piece of glass back into the head and you are done.



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