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Don’t Just Spackle Drywall Nail Holes


drywall nail hole resized 600If you are moving out of your home and have drywall nails throughout, don’t just smear some spackle over the hole. It is very unsightly, and with just a small amount of effort, you can make the smear go away.

It usually happens in a hurry. You just want to fill in the tiny nail holes and get on your way, so you use a putty knife and spread a glob of spackle on the wall. Yep, the hole is filled, but so is all of the surrounding texture which now is about 2” in diameter.

So here are a few ideas to make the 2” sore shrink back down to a nail sized hole. Make sure that the hole hasn't been raised by pulling out the nail. If so, you can use the handle of a putty knife to push it in, or even a sharp utility knife to cut off the high spot.  Instead of using a putty knife, you can always use your finger. Get a little spackle on your finger and press it into the hole using a wiping motion. This way you won’t fill in all of the surrounding peaks and valleys which draw more attention to the area. You might also try using drywall compound that you mix yourself. This takes longer to dry and gives you more time to clean out the peaks and valleys if you do happen to fill them in. Use a toothbrush dipped in warm water and use a swirling motion to clean up the area. Then you can touch up the paint if needed.



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