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Sliding Desk Drawer/Cabinet Drawer Repair


cabinet sliding drawer resized 600Sliding keyboard desk drawers or even sliding cabinet drawers can get overloaded pretty easily. Just think if you are typing on a slide out drawer, the weight of keyboard and your arms are resting on the drawer. People will put a lot of weight on the drawers and expect nothing to happen until it comes apart.

Something on the drawer will give. It will either be the sliding mechanism, or where it attaches to the cabinet or where it attaches to the slide out drawer. You have to figure out where it is damaged and fix it.

In some cases the sliding mechanism we become bent. If that is the case, I would just replace the slider. They are sold in a pair, so if you don’t get an exact copy of what is currently installed, you should replace both sides.

If the wood cabinet is damaged, the holes holding the screws will be cracked or oblong. You can fill these holes in with some wood glue and then stick a wooden golf tee in the hole until it dries. Cut the tee off flush with the surface and predrill a new hole in it.

If the shelf has split, remove it from the sliding mechanism, glue it and clamp it back together for a day or so. Then reinstall it back onto the slider.



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