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Handyman Help in Removing Corroded Washing Machine Hoses


handyman washing hoseIt may take someone that is handyman minded to tackle removing rusty, corroded washing machine hoses. Maybe you are moving or just upgrading the hoses or appliance, but those old fittings must come off.

I would start off by using opposing force. What I mean is using two large wrenches and using them in a manner that allows you to free the corroded fitting without damaging the hose bib or your knuckles. Let me explain.

Let’s say you will be using two large pipe wrenches. You want to configure the two wrenches to that when it comes time to apply force, the two wrenches will be opposing each other. Take one wrench and open the jaws. Place it under the hose faucet’s spout, and hold the faucet’s body and spout so that it won’t move when you turn the corroded hose coupling. Take the other wrench and place it over the hose’s coupling facing downward. What you have now are the two wrenches facing each other so that the handles are just a few inches apart. The idea is to be able to cradle the bottom handle in your fingers while squeezing the top handle with your hands. You only need to move the top handle roughly a quarter-turn to free it…and if the wrench slips, your knuckles don’t suffer.



Your article's a good first step in preparing to install Floodcheh high security washing machine inlet hoses. It would pain me to believe that you might promote those wire mesh hoses as a superior replacement. Visit our website @ floodchek.com and learn why we refer to them as "The Emperor's New Hose."
Posted @ Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:46 AM by Steve
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