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Preventing Bathtub Caulking From Peeling Up


bathtub shower caulking resized 600How many times have you seen caulking in a bathtub or shower start to peel up? Probably many times. With a some simple rules and a little attention to detail, this shouldn't ever happen again.

A big problem is that people don't use the right caulking. So, choose the right product. I like silicone caulking specifically for wet areas. Do you know how to determine if your product is good for wet areas? Read the back of the tube! The back of the tube of caulking has all types of important information regarding the application and use of the product...so read it.

The other issue is that people don't prepare the surfaces. Don't try to apply caulking on a wet surface. When someone calls me and asks us to caulk their bathtub or shower, I tell them that they can't use it 24 hours before we caulk it, or 24 hours after we caulk it. This way I know that that the area is dry when we arrive and will stay dry until the caulking gets firm enough to repel water.

The bigger issue is that if the caulking was peeling, water may have gotten behind the surface of the shower walls. This is something we all want to avoid and really the reason we use caulking. When you use the right product and apply it correctly, the caulking will prevent water from entering areas that it shouldn't be entering.



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