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Loose Toilet Seat Is A Quick Fix


toiletseatsA loose toilet seat is a real pain. It makes anyone apprehensive to use it for fear of it sliding off of the bowl. Fortunately it is an easy fix.

A toilet seat attaches through 2 holes at the rear of the bowl. It is held on to the bowl with plastic parts. There are basically two methods of securing a seat to the toilet bowl.

If you look behind the toilet seat, you will see two covers. These covers will either pop up, to expose a screw head, or twist to the side. In the event your style twists to the side, you might notice that one or both have twisted and this is why it may be loose. This style allows for quick removal for cleaning. If that is the case, simply twist the covers back in place and the seat should be steady. If not, check behind and under the bowl to make sure the plastic parts are secure.

The other style is simply held in place with a plastic bolt and nut. By lifting the cover, you will see the plastic screw head. The plastic nut that clamps the seat to the bowl is under the bowl just in front of the tank. It’s probably easiest to grab the nut with a wrench from below and tighten the screw head from above. After you tighten each screw head, snap the caps back down to cover them.



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