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Painting An Accent Wall Is Cheap Improvement


painting accent wallIf you are looking for an improvement you can do in an afternoon, why not paint an accent wall? This is nothing more that choosing a wall or two and painting it a different color, usually one that stands out from the others. There are no hard and fast rules in this…you can use your imagination and go as bold as you want.

Many new homes are painted “builder white” and need a little life in those walls. Painting is cheap and fast. I would go as far as saying painting is the biggest bang for the buck in the world of home improvement. It’s cheap, fast, and you don’t need years of experience to do it. Furthermore, if you mess something up, you can paint over it. So as long as you don’t drip paint on the floor, it’s a pretty safe way to go.

Many paint schemes today involve painting the walls one color (think coffee & cream) and the ceilings, doors, and baseboards another color (think white). This has become a very common paint combo. You don’t even need to go that far. You could paint a wall a brownish color to match your bedspread. Go crazy and paint 2 of the walls the same color. Imagine what painting 2 adjacent walls, or opposing walls would look like. It’s a custom paint job in an afternoon.



This article gave me a great idea. Thank you.
Posted @ Saturday, June 30, 2012 9:03 AM by Darra
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