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Handyman Fix For Leveling A Patio Paver


handyman paversIf you have a patio made up of individual pavers, eventually one will become loose. You can call a handyman or grab some simple items and fix it yourself. This works equally well for walkways made of pavers.

Pavers are typically placed using either concrete or a bed of sand. Sand will need more maintenance than concrete but it won’t take much time or effort. Most of the repairs deal with sand based pavers and so I will focus on that type here.

You will need to remove the paver that is loose and that can be a challenge because there isn’t much space to work with. Pry up a corner and lift it out. You can bend a coat hanger or try to get a screwdriver in there and lift it out. The trick is to have the finished surface of the paver even with the surrounding surfaces. Grab a handful of sand (washed sand from a home center) and lay it down into the void. Place the paver back in place and gently rock it to even out the sand. Once it is steady and solid, you can add more sand in the grout lines and broom it off. You can also sprinkle some water to settle everything down and then add some more sand.



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