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How To Reset A Circuit Breaker


circuit breakerEvery so often, a circuit breaker will trip. This shuts off the power to the areas it feeds and can cause a headache for homeowners. To restore the power, you need to reset the circuit breaker.

Resetting a circuit breaker is not difficult at all. Troubleshooting the reason it tripped off can be very difficult. You may be able to eliminate possible causes as it occurs more frequently, or you may need to contact an electrician.

To reset a circuit breaker, go to the main electrical panel. Depending on what part of the country you live in and the age of the home, the panel may be located in the garage, basement, closet, or on the exterior of the house.

Open the panel and look for a breaker that is not aligned with the others. You will typically see all the breakers in the “on” position to one side. The breaker that has tripped off will be in the middle position, usually halfway between the “on” and “off” positions. To reset it, push the switch all the way to the “off” position. Then you can push it to the “on” position and restore power to the area it supplies. If this happens regularly, consider having a professional look at it or troubleshoot it yourself.


Sometimes visually looking at is not that obvious some of the breaker boxes I have worked with. I run my finger down the sides of the switches until I feel one is loose. If it definitely is loose that is the one that I flip back and forth to turn it back on.
Posted @ Tuesday, November 30, 2010 7:32 AM by Mississauga handyman
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