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Plumbing Hose Faucet Snaps Off


plumbing hose faucetA customer was washing his car when a plumbing crisis occurred. He evidently was pulling on the hose to get a little more distance out of it when he pulled a little too hard and the hose faucet snapped off of the pipe. All that was left was a pipe sticking out of the wall running full blast onto the walkway. At least he had the wits to turn off the water at the street.

He started to panic when he saw the pipe sticking out. It was no longer round, but rather started to turn oblong before it snapped. He tried to squeeze the pipe back into round with pliers but that didn’t work.

Ultimately, the pipe had to be cut back until it could be worked with, meaning cutting it back until it was round again. If the pipe coming out of the wall is long enough, you may not have to cut into the wall, however, if the pipe snaps close to the wall you may have to open it and sweat a fitting onto it. You may be able to sweat a hose faucet (sweat fitting) onto it, or install a new hose faucet with a compression fitting.



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