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Drywall Orange Peel Texture In A Can


drywall textureYou don't have to be a drywall veteran to get good results matching drywall texture. You can go to any home center and buy texture in an aerosol can that will give you very good results, even if you have never done it before. Drywall texture that resembles the peel of an orange, hence the name, is very popular and so I will focus on that type.

Orange peel texture uses higher pressure and a smaller orifice than other texture types. When you use an aerosol can, you will have to take a few practice shots on a piece of scrap or cardboard. If the texture comes out not quite right, you can adjust the size of the orifice by turning the dial on the can, or by using a smaller straw (if you purchased that type of spray). If the pressure at the nozzle is too high, you can stick the can in cool water to lower it. Conversely, if the pressure is too low, you can stick the can is warm water to raise it. These adjustments will all affect your finished look, so play around with them until you get it right.

When you are ready to spray the texture on the wall, keep the can moving as you depress the button or trigger. You can tape a section of newspaper on the wall with a cutout of where you want the texture to fall. This will help control overspray and make for easy cleanup. Once the texture is dry, you can paint just the patched area if you have a great paint match, or more likely, the entire wall for it to blend in.


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