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Door Sweep Replacement


door sweepI generally like the universal door sweeps that just slide along the door bottom and get screwed to the back. It is adjustable and works on all doors. However, if a customer has a specific door sweep, I would rather use it than a generic one.

A customer has a front door that has a rubber door sweep inserted at the very bottom of the door. She purchased a new door sweep and wants it installed. The sweep she bought is specific to this door. It has two arms that are barbed that install into some grooves into the bottom of the door. This door will need to be taken off of the hinges for the new sweep to be installed.

Removing the old sweep is a matter of goosing it out of the grooves. After you remove the door from the hinges, use a standard screwdriver and, starting at one end, gently pry the old door sweep from the grooves. It will likely come out pretty easily.

Installing the new door sweep isn't much more difficult. There will be some resistance from the barbs on the arms that go into the grooves, but this is good since that is what will hold the sweep in place. Line up the sweep with the edge of the door and start pushing it into the grooves. You will likely need to hold a thin piece of wood under the sweep and hammer against this wood to fully insert the sweep into the grooves. A few paint stir sticks held together works well for this. Once the sweep bottoms out against the door, trim the edge of the sweep so that it is flush.



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