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Electrical Outlets


electrical outletsKids sure do love sticking things in electrical outlets. They usually only do it one time though , after they learn that it doesn't feel very good. Eager parents follow up the crying with a call to have someone come out and make sure nothing is damaged. Typically, the circuit breaker will stop the flow of electricity by shutting off power to a particular area of the house.

If you have never reset a breaker, its pretty easy. It involves going to the main electrical panel, which is typically on the exterior of the house, or in the garage. In some condominiums, it can even be found in a closet. Once you find it you will see that one of the breakers isn't aligned with all the rest. All the breakers will be in the "on" position except for the one that tripped. It won't be in the "off" position though. Instead, it will be tripped midway between "on" and "off". Before you turn the breaker on, make sure the child didn't jamb or break off anything inside the outlet. If that is the case, the breaker may not turn back on anyway, and it could spit out a spark or even smoke.

Once the coast is clear, simply push the breaker all the way to the "off" position and then push it to the "on" position. Power should be restored to the outlet.


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