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Las Vegas Handyman And Broken Window Locks


las vegas handyman lockAs a Las Vegas Handyman service, we find broken window locks in many houses. It may be that a homeowner was cleaning the windows and broke the lock mechanism, or that over time toggling the lock damaged it. There are a couple of options for getting your window to lock again.

You can replace the original lock with a duplicate, if you can find it. This usually involves removing the two screws that hold it to the frame and taking it with you. You will likely not find anything at a home center, and so I wouldn’t even try the big box stores. Instead, take the part to a window or glass company. Bring the part with you so they can match it up.

If you are looking for a quick fix and forego the trouble of finding an exact replacement, you can buy thumb locks at a home center. These will come in either black, white, or silver and they just screw onto the window track right behind the sliding window. So if you were trying to move the window, it would hit the thumb lock, preventing it from moving.

The thumb lock has a sharp point at the tip which will dig into the metal window frame, preventing it from moving.


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